xFinance(XFI) whose total supply is 48,772 XFI and circulating supply is 23,772 XFI. You can buy XFI tokens without KYC from Hotbit Exchange. Register on Hotbit Exchange with our referral id DKezVk and get up to 40% rebates in trading fees on every trade forever.
The first thing looking at Hotbit exchange comes to our mind, is it safe? Yes, it is quite safe. You can read about how safe Hotbit is to trade with here. Now, to understand how to register with a referrer code see below image for reference.

Once you register with Hotbit you can buy any coins. The biggest advantage of using Hotbit is that it lists new cryptocurrencies as soon as they came into the market. Hotbit listed XFI when it is just $74, but we all know how it went to moon.

Also, Hotbit provides 5% to those who provide liquidity to the exchange. So, if sell your coins here and provide the liquidity you will get 5% more than other exchanges. You can see how their fee structure works from here.
Key Takeaway
XFI recently got attention from all users just by its large gains. The project is good though, but invest wisely, don’t blind follow anyone, do your own research. Though if you are still interested in buying some of XFI tokens or xFinance tokens you can buy it from Hotbit.
To know more about xFinance visit its official website – xFinance.io